Read Before Hitting the Add to Cart Button

Order Processing and Shipping: 
We will do our best to get your order to you as quickly as possible. All orders are printed in house, with processing times between 1-3 days, before shipping, which generally takes between 3-7 days. Please note, we cannot make any guarantee on shipping time frame and we have no control over orders once they leave CadyCo with the carrier. 
If you find that you need to cancel your order prior to shipping, reach out via email and we will be happy to get that taken care of. If you have any issues, upon receipt of your order, please reach out via email and we can discuss. We take photos of each item/package prior to shipping and will require photos to compare prior to approval of a refund. Items that have been washed or worn will not be accepted for return. Please note - the colors may vary slightly from the pictures due to a number of factors. 
Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority...No drama, it's just a T-shirt after all.